- Phone number
- +62 21 73691665
- biro@aktuaria.com
- Website Address
- www.aktuaria.com
- Postal address
- Jl. Raya Veteran Raya No. 11F RT. 001/003, Bintaro, Kecamatan Pesanggrahan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, 12330
Ir. Yusi Krismurtiastuti, FSAI
Yusi K. Haris, Indonesian citizen, is the Commissioner of BPA Group since 2014. Yusi is the Chairman of Remuneration and Nomination Committee of BPA Group. Aside from serving as the Commissioner of BPA Group, Yusi also serves as Chief of Actuary of PT Sentra Jasa Aktuaria (BPA)
Yusi is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries of Indonesia (FSAI) since 1996, with more than 20 years of experience within insurance sectors with extensive roles as actuary.
Prior to joining BPA, Yusi held various senior management positions in financial services industry. Yusi was a Director of PT MNC Life Assurance (2010-2014), and Director of PT UOB Life-Sun Assurance (1996-2010)
Yusi holds Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
Partners / Actuary
Bambang Supnang, M.Sc, FSAI
Bambang Supnang, Indonesian citizen, has experiences in the area of actuarial services. He is the actuary at PT Sentra Jasa Aktuaria (BPA).
Bambang is responsible to oversee the quality of actuarial services, concepts and methodology, and involves in the development of products and services rendered by BPA
Bambang is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries of Indonesia (FSAI – No. Reg. PAI 200710567), and a public actuary under license no : Act-1.17.00027.
In addition to his time at BPA, Bambang served as actuary at PT Bumi Persada Aktuaria (2008-2013), a subsidiary of PT Sentra Jasa Aktuaria
Bambang holds Master Degree in Finance (International Business) from the University of Groningen-Netherlands
Jasa & Layanan
- Employee Benefit Calculation
- Employee Benefit Projection
- Pension Fund
- Actuarial Training
- Workshop & Seminar